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Lars Harrie


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EuRoSDR GeoBIM project a study in Europe on how to use the potentials of BIM and GEO data in practice


  • F. Noardo
  • C. Ellul
  • L. Harrie
  • E. Devys
  • K. Arroyo Ohori
  • P. Olsson
  • J. Stoter


  • R. Stouffs
  • F. Biljecki
  • K. H. Soon
  • V. Khoo

Summary, in English

In both the Geo and BIM domains, it is widely acknowledged that the integration of geo-data and BIM-data is beneficial and a crucial step in facing the multi-disciplinary challenges of our built environment. The result of this integration - broadly termed as GeoBIM - has a range of potential uses from district study to road safety. However, from the data perspective, this integration raises the question of how to integrate very detailed design and construction data from the BIM domain with contextual geospatial data (both 2D and 3D) that model a very diverse range of aspects of the wider built and natural environment. This paper reports work carried out during the second phase of the EuroSDR GeoBIM project, which sets out to understand the general status of GeoBIM across Europe with particular focus from a National Mapping and Cadastral Agency perspective. The first phase of the project reviewed the current status of GeoBIM in participating countries and identified the need for specific detailed use cases to overcome both the lack of awareness and the lack of understanding of the potential of GeoBIM. We present both an update on the current status of GeoBIM, and additional details of one of the selected use cases relating to planning/development permits. For the latter, we have been able to develop a detailed workflow highlighting specific data exchange points within the process to issue a development permit, allowing a more in-depth identification of both the roles and data needs at each stage.


  • Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap
  • Centrum för geografiska informationssystem (GIS-centrum)
  • eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration








International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives






  • Other Computer and Information Science


  • 3D city models
  • BIM
  • Data interoperability
  • GeoBIM
  • Open standards
  • Software support

Conference name

14th 3D GeoInfo Conference 2019

Conference date

2019-09-24 - 2019-09-27

Conference place

Singapore, Singapore

