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Lars Harrie


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Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi Period 2021 2023 för digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation


  • Pontus Bengtsson
  • Lars Harrie
  • Christina Lazaro Morales
  • Henrik Lindroth
  • Anna Neidenström
  • Håkan Norberg

Summary, in English

The aim of this report is to provide a detailed description of the eight development projects recommended for the first strategy period (2021-2023) of the project “A National Strategy for Standardisation of Digital Information Management within the Built Environment”. The report also contains a description of the vision and the objectives of the strategy.
The project has been led by Pontus Bengtson, Autodesk, in collaboration with Lars Harrie, Lund University; Cristina Lázaro Morales, Plan B; Henrik Linderoth, Jönköping University; Anna Neidenström, Swedish Transport Administration; and Håkan Norberg, Plan B.
The vision of the strategy is a public construction sector with a consensus on what to be prioritized regarding standardization to promote efficient information management. This will be achieved by jointly focusing on the prioritized development projects – projects that aim to create a common information structure with the greatest user benefit.
There are eight projects categorized into three strategic focus areas, Application Instructions, Delivery Specifications and Common Information Structure recommended during the first strategy phase. These projects represent the main areas of action to achieve the above-mentioned vision. The eight projects are presented in the figure below.


  • Centrum för geografiska informationssystem (GIS-centrum)
  • Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap
  • eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration








Smart Built Environment


  • Building Technologies
  • Construction Management


  • BIM
  • GIS



Report number

Rapport S-2019-04 – Strategi