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Arbetsrapport Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi : Om processarbetet i projektet Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi för digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation


  • Pontus Bengtsson
  • Lars Harrie
  • Christina Lazaro Morales
  • Henrik Lindroth
  • Anna Neidenström
  • Håkan Norberg

Summary, in English

This report describes how the work has been conducted in the project “A National Strategy for Standardisation of Digital Information Management within the Built
Environment” (further on denoted NSS). This report describes the project background, aim, objective, methodology, schedule, organisation, and identified areas and processes that have been the basis for the development of the initial three-year strategy.
The NSS project is a strategic project within Smart Built Environment’s theme
“Information infrastructure”.
The aim of NSS project is to get an industry-wide consensus on Sweden’s priorities regarding standardization of information management about the built environment. The objective is to deliver a framework which supports further development of the strategy until 2030 and a strategic programme for the initial three-year strategy.
The theme “Information structure” has formulated specific performance targets which
in turn shall contribute to achieve some short-term effects within 2021 and 2024. These short-term effects aim to, in the long run, contribute to achieve the programme's long-term objectives by 2030. The intention of the NSS project is to contribute to the programme by clearly formulating Smart Built Environment's long-term objectives by following the project's effect logic.
The NSS project consists of the following four phases:
1. Initiation,
2. Development of a three-year strategy (2021-2023),
3. Development of a framework for subsequent strategies (2024–2026, 2027– 2029), and
4. Closure.
Each phase consists of several sub-goals (a total of 11), which in turn consists of several activities. These have been systematically processed and handled to achieve the project's aim and objectives.
To identify the areas and processes that can streamline information flows within the built environment processes, the project team has used the process map (SBUF BIM Report 2013) as a basis.
The following focus areas were identified:
a) Geodata and existing conditions,
b) Analysis, requirements, and review,
c) Delivery from design to production, and
d) Transfer between production and operations.
For each focus area, several problems were identified, together with potential root causes and suggested remedy actions. A total of 19 problems or shortcomings were assessed with standards within the industry, which resulted in 39 suggested remedy actions. These actions were then further developed into eight development projects
categorized into three strategic focus areas: Application Instructions, Delivery

Specifications, and Common Information Structure. As a part of the strategy, the initiation and implementation of the above-mentioned projects is proposed to 2021 – 2023.
The anchoring process of the NSS project and its framework has been an important sub-goal to ensure the project success and compliance. Continuous communication and anchoring efforts have been performed as a part of the project, partly through the various groups involved in the project (steering-, reference-, and expert support group), partly through coordination and discussions with important stakeholders and relevant parallel initiatives.
The framework describes how the strategic work shall be accomplished and includes principles how to follow-up and revise the strategies. It also includes the strategic roadmap, that is a plan including objectives and milestones for navigation. The roadmap is divided into three different phases which all contain a set of projects to be conducted according to the figure below.
The developed strategy and its framework are recommended to be owned and maintained by the newly created organization named “Samhällsbyggandets Regelforum”.
The project also recommends how to practically follow-up the work, which is based on several identified indicators. A basic condition to ensure a quality assured and efficient implementation is “a modern and digital communication platform”. The project also
includes a suggested technical solution.


  • Centrum för geografiska informationssystem (GIS-centrum)
  • Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap
  • eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration








Smart Built Environment


  • Building Technologies
  • Construction Management


  • BIM
  • GIS



Report number

Rapport S-2019-04 – Arbetsrapport