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Lars Harrie


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Spatiotemporal historical datasets on micro-level for geocoded individuals in five Swedish parishes, 1813-1914


  • Finn Hedefalk
  • Patrick Svensson
  • Lars Harrie

Summary, in Swedish

The datasets presented here enable historical longitudinal studies of micro-level geographic factors in a rural setting. These types of datasets are new, as historical demography studies have generally failed to properly include the micro-level geographic factors. Our datasets describe the geography over five Swedish rural parishes and a geocoded population (at the property unit level) for this area for the time period 1813-1914. The population is a subset of the Scanian Economic Demographic Database (SEDD). The geographic information includes the following feature types: property units, wetlands, buildings, roads and railroads. The property units and wetlands are stored in object-lifeline time representations (information about creation, changes and ends of objects are recorded in time), whereas the other feature types are stored as snapshots in time. Thus, the datasets present one of the first opportunities to study historical spatio-temporal patterns at the micro-level. (2016-09-25)


  • Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap
  • Centrum för ekonomisk demografi
  • Centrum för geografiska informationssystem (GIS-centrum)
  • Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen








  • Physical Geography
  • Economic History


  • Geocoding
  • Longitudinal demographic databases
  • Historical GIS
  • Geographic data
  • Historical demography
  • Property units
  • wetlands
  • 1900th century
  • Sweden
  • Rural
  • Scanian Economic Demographic Database (SEDD)
  • micro-level
  • Individual level
  • Detailed geographic data




  • Life histories across time and space