Geodata available for Lund University
A national agreement gives you as a student, teacher or researcher access to licensed geodata from a number of Swedish agencies.
The agreement covers utilization of data for non commercial research and/or formal education at LU, both for download and as web map services (WMS) for visualisation. Data are available from:
- Lantmäteriet (Swedish Surveying and Cadastral Agency),
- Sveriges geologiska undersökning, SGU (Sweden Geological Survey),
- Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB (Statistics Sweden),
- Sjöfartsverket (Swedish Maritime Administration).
Accredited users are staff and students with Lucat/STIL accounts.
Data download: use the map service: GET (Geographic Extraction Tool).
Visualisation via WMS: Access to these services is provided by SLU and will soon be activated from here. Note that you have to be located on the Lund University network or connected through the university VPN to access these services.
Copyrights and referencing - "How to..."
When using data from the above mentioned services for any kind of publications, it should be clearly shown that the data providing agency has the copyright to all data products. This should be shown by applying the following referencing text in connection to your published figure: "© Name of agency".
For more information, but in Swedish, see "National infrastructure for geodata -" and for more specific information about terms and content for the education sector.
Access to ArcGIS software for staff and students is made available from GIS centre > Software.
Data formats in GET
Geo data/Maps are delivered as raster or vector files.
Raster(picture)format: TIF format (geo coded for GIS).
Can be used directly as inserted map picture in a document.
Vector format: ESRI Shape format. Requires GIS software.
Laser data: LAS format. Special format for laser scanned data. See the product information attached to the data delivery.
Questions and other data
If you have questions regarding the above agreement or about other data available at Lund university, contact karin [dot] larsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin Larsson).
National Infrastructure for Geodata - (Swedish only)